About the project

Who is this website for?

This website is primarily aimed at adolescents and young people with refugee or migration biographies aged 14 – 24 who are looking for reliable information related to sexual and reproductive health. Young people themselves know best what interests them and which questions are important to them. Here, therefore, we answer questions that young people have asked experts have answered. The answers were then checked for comprehensibility.

Unfortunately, we cannot yet specifically address the body and sexuality of trans* people, as the young people involved have not (yet) asked these questions. To us it seems to make more sense to develop a brochure in a further project together with interested immigrant young people with the main focus on trans* and intersexuality.

We have also decided to do without the gender asterisk* or the gender gap (underscore) on this website. These characters would significantly complicate the readability and comprehensibility of the text for the target group (who are still learning German) and pose challenges for translation.

Why does this website exist?

Adolescents and young people have the right to accurate and understandable information on sexual and reproductive health. This is the only way they can protect their own health and that of their partners.


How was this project created?

This website is a follow-up to the “Youth 4 Youth” brochures for refugee youth.
The desire to better reach refugee youth in the field of HIV prevention and sexual and reproductive health as a whole led to the idea in 2016, together with many partners, especially the Berlin working groups “HIV Prevention and Migration” and “Women’s Health Migration”, to develop a brochure on the subject area together with refugee youth. The Netzwerkstelle sexuelle Gesundheit und Migration and the Verband für Interkulturelle Arbeit (VIA), Regional Verband Berlin/Brandenburg e. V. took on this task. Thanks to the support of the Berlin Senate and the Paritätischer, a brochure for refugee boys was initially produced in Arabic translation. Very quickly, there was a very high demand for the “Youth 4 Youth” brochures outside of Berlin as well.

Thanks to the support of the Federal Ministry of Health, the Parität Foundation and the high level of commitment of many participants, it was possible to revise the boys’ brochure for the nationwide demand and to realize the implementation of this project also for girls and young women with refugee or migration biographies.

We are particularly pleased that, based on these brochures, the “Youth 4 Youth” website is now also available and thus young people can be reached even better.


Who participated in this project?

In a long process, many committed people and organizations were involved in the realization of the brochures and the website, but above all young refugees from various institutions. They dared to participate in the project and revealed their sometimes very intimate questions. Among all the questions, they selected the ones that were most important to them and checked the experts’ answers for comprehensibility. They were also involved in designing the brochures and the website.

We would like to express our special thanks to them, as well as to the authors who answered the questions and to all others who have supported, promoted and contributed to the project.

 Line E. Göttke 


Netzwerkstelle HIV/Aids und Migration
Verband für Interkulturelle Arbeit (VIA)
Regionalverband Berlin/Brandenburg e. V.

Petersburger Str. 92
10247 Berlin

Tel: 030-29 00 69 49
Fax: 030-29 00 69 50


Project Management & Editing Line E. Göttke


Cornelia Bauschke, Lisa Cabrera, Susanne Freund-Fourure, Marion Gottschling, Falco Jan Kranert, Lisa Hütte, Julia Karstädt, Patrizia Lange, Dirk Salfemeier, Cornelia Schnelle (Zentrum für sexuelle Gesundheit und Familienplanung Berlin); Dörte Döring (freie Sexualpädagogin), Elisabeth Fischer (VIA e. V.); Lisa Frey, Melody Ledwon (Familienplanungszentrum Berlin – BALANCE e. V.); Diana Heide, Rita Kühn, Gabrielle Stöcker (pro familia Landesverband NRW e. V.); Luise Ihrig (Berliner Aidshilfe); Stefan Müller (Mann-O-Meter e. V.); Karen Saure (Psychologin); Team pro familia Berlin

Other contributors

Dr. Abir Alhaj Mawas (Terre des Femmes); Halah Al Hayik, Taryn Walcott (VIA e. V.), Ahmed Awadalla, Celine Simon (Berliner Aidshilfe); Tzvetina Arsova-Netzelmann (SPI Research); Herbert Backes, Susanne Thomann (Senatsverwaltung für Gesundheit, Pflege und Gleichstellung, Berlin); Prof. Dr. Theda Borde und Studierende (Alice Salomon Hochschule Berlin); Diana Crăciun, Tanja Gangarova (Deutsche Aidshilfe), Elisabeth Lange (subway); Vera Zinser und Team (JWG Leben, urban social); und viele andere.

Design Print TEKTEK | Tünya Özdemir

Webdesign kwikwi.org | Kathrin Windhorst

Specialized editing pro familia NRW e. V. (Girls Q&A) und Dörte Döring (Boys Q&A)

Arabic translation Omar Ahmad (Girls Q&A); Saffana Salmann (Boys Q&A)


This website was made possible by funding from Stiftung Parität and the Senatsverwaltung für Wissenschaft, Gesundheit und Pflege von Berlin (Berlin Senate Department for Science, Health and Care).

Youth 4 Youth is also available as a brochure for boy and girls (German-Arabic or German-Dari). And can be downloaded here (girls – Arabic)(girls – Dari) and here (boys – Arabic) (boys – Dari).